Thursday, December 18, 2008

The John Donne of pizza writing

"I love food, I love it more than almost anything, so it stands to reason that the foods I love would cause me almost as much heartache and homesickness as the people I love. But thinking about the fact that to put that meal in my belly today would be the most expensive dining experience of my life and probably the hardest I've ever had to work at consuming...that whole plane trip thing and all. I know you can mail order, but frankly, that is NOT the same. You've got to have the whole experience. I have written about them time and time again, but my heart, it spills over with a love I cannot contain or stifle...I'm like the John Donne of pizza writing, I just can't keep it to myself, I might expire."
(July 5, 2007, Falls with Grace)

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